What You Need
Time to make 10 ~ 20 minutes
No holiday would be complete without a festive cocktail so here is our unique take on what a festive cocktail should be
Time to make 10 ~ 20 minutes, This delicious cocktail recipe is perfect for festive gatherings with friends or family.
Glassware & Equipment
Martini (175ml) or A balloon glass which typically hold 385ml, cocktail shaker, muddler and strainer
Step 1 - Infused Simple Syrup
To make the infused simple syrup add 125ml of water to a pan along with 125g cranberries and 125g sugar and 2 sprigs of rosemary.
Place on a high heat and stir the ingredents together, once the mixture starts to boil reduce to a simmer.
Until the cranberries begin to pop and the sugar is desolved.
Remove from heat and leave in fridge or freeze until ready for use. the simple syrup can either be strained or used as is what ever your preferance is once cooled it should resemble a jam consistancy.
Makes around enough for 10 cocktails, We blended ours for a super fine consistancy which makes it easier to store as ice cubes and defrost as required.
Step 2
Place 30g of cranberries and the lime juice into a shaker and muddle the two together
Step 3
Place ice into the shaker the bottom cup should be 1/4 full of ice.
Add 60ml of our gin, 60ml or 30ml of the infused simple syrup to the shaker.
Seal the shaker and shake vigoursly until sides or the shaker are ice cold.
Step 4
Crack the shaker and then strain into the glass using a strainer and top off with ginger beer of your choice or lemonade for those that dont like gingerbeer
Garnish & Tips
Garnish with cocktail sprig of rosemary and a few cranberries
The simple syrup is well worth the effort and really makes this drink stand out if youd prefer you can make a batch and freeze in icecube trays for a month
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